The I.N.H.A. Staff Blog

Why Am I Scheduled 15 Minutes Before & After the Hour?

Being in the bookstore 15 minutes before opening is obvious–get the store ready, get the money in the drawer, turn on the lights–do everything to get ready for visitors to come in the door so you can help them.

But why does the schedule have me down for 15 minutes after the hour… or after the store closes–I’m ready to go home. Stock the shelves, clean, straighten and get the store ready for morning–so the person opening in the morning doesn’t have to scramble around, picking up garbage, trying to get the shelves looking decent. Dust and dirt are a turn-off for visitors, also. Now is the time to get things cleaned up and shiny for tomorrow. I’m sure you appreciate it when you are the first person on duty in the morning–think of the next person that comes in after you, please.

Also, if you arrive or leave straight up, on the hour, you’re not working your full scheduled hours… are you showing that on your timesheet? Or should you be putting 7.5 or 7.75 hours for those 8 hour days when you left early? Remember, your 15-minute breaks (2) may not be combined with lunches, other breaks or arrival or departure times.

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