The I.N.H.A. Staff Blog

Updated Info [5.23.22] for Releases from the Dam

The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has identified larval razorback suckers in Reach 2 of the Green River over the weekend.  With the presence of larval razorback suckers, FWS has requested the implementation of the Larval Trigger Study Plan releases as identified in the May 2022 through April 2023 Flaming gorge Operational Plan and the 2022 Drought Response Operations Plan.  

To meet LTSP flow targets, Flaming Gorge releases are scheduled to be increased to full powerplant capacity (~4,600 cfs) plus 2,000 cfs bypass totaling 6,600 cfs beginning Wednesday, May 25, 2022, according to the schedule below. Also, Flaming Gorge releases are scheduled to be increased to full bypass capacity (+2,000 cfs, totaling ~8600 cfs) beginning May 26, 2022.  Starting on June 2, 2022 a 2,000 cfs/day ramp down is also planned according to the schedule below.  

The average daily release on June 3, 2022 will be 4,600 cfs, on June 4, 2022 will be 2,600 cfs, and on June 5, 2022 will be 1,000 cfs, according to schedule below.  On June 5, 2022, the daily average release will be 1,000 cfs and continue thereafter.  Starting June 5, hourly release schedules issued by WAPA for power production may include daily fluctuations to meet power demand contracts.

I’ve attached a public notice flier that can be posted and shared regarding the anticipated increased releases and associated dangers.  Recreationists on the Green River should take caution and be aware the increased flows in the river will be cold and swift.

This data is considered the most likely scenario given the current forecast, is general, and is subject to changing conditions. Forecasted (tentative) hourly release schedules can be found by visiting the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center at this website: However, notification updates such as this one could take some time, a day or so, to be reflected on the website. Tabulated hourly data can be found on this page under the link,  “Hourly Forecast Flow csv” in the lower right hand corner of the webpage, or navigating to this link:

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