The I.N.H.A. Staff Blog

Stocking the Shelves

The first thing that should be done every morning after getting the cash register up and running and the store open for business is going into the storeroom and seeing what is there that can go out on the shelves. Nothing sells if it’s sitting in the back room. This may take some time since it’s hard to remember more than a few things at a time–but it must be done. It’s also the last thing that is done at  the end of the day just before leaving for home.

Book shelves need to be “merchandised” constantly. If the items on a shelf are a little thin, spread things out, double face them, adjust the spaces in between. If a visitor sees shelves that look thin or empty, they think, “All of the good stuff is gone and there’s nothing here that would be good to buy”. If the shelf looks full and neat, even with the same amount of items as the “thin” shelf, people will buy more of what’s on it.

T-shirts are the same–neat and organized–just like it’s a brand new display that you just set up.

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