The I.N.H.A. Staff Blog

New Step in End of Day Routine

There’s a new step that needs to be completed during your End-of-Day routine, effective immediately. It has been inserted into the End-of-day SOP as below… Item #6 for now. Please study it and make it part of your closing routine each day. Keep up the good work!


  1. On the #2 computer, click Reports, then hover over Payments, then click Activity Summary, verify that the dates at the top are both today’s date. Click Print, Print, Close
    1. Fasten the report to the top of the credit card receipts from the drawer. The CC receipts with the report on top will go into the top drawer inside the safe.
  2. Open the cash drawer from the “Make a Sale” screen (Ctrl F8) Click “File” in “Quickbooks Point of Sale” … then click “Exit”.  [CAUTION – Do not close the Quickbooks Point of Sale program by clicking the “X” in the upper right corner. Always click “File” then click “Exit”
  3. Turn the computer monitor off. 
  4. Put the cash tray in the safe in the office, leaving the cash drawer at the sales desk open.
  5. Go to the #1 computer, Open the cash drawer first.(Ctrl F8)
  6. Click Reports, then hover over Payments, then click Activity Summary, verify that the dates at the top are both today’s date. Click Print, Print, Close
    1. Fasten the report to the top of the credit card receipts from the drawer. The CC receipts with the report on top will go into the top drawer inside the safe.
  7. Click “Windows” (Top left), then click “Close All Windows
  8. Do not sign out of the program… if signed out, please sign back in.
  9. Leave Quickbooks Point of Sale running on the #1 computer.  It will perform updates and such during the night.
  10. Turn off the computer monitor… leave the computer itself ON.
  11. Put the cash tray in the safe in the office, leaving the cash drawer open at the sales desk.
  13. Close the inner safe door and spin the dial to lock it. Close the outer safe door and spin the dial to lock it.
  14. Close the office door… make sure it’s locked.
  15. Close the storage room door… make sure it’s locked.
  16. Turn off the bookstore lights.

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