The I.N.H.A. Staff Blog

Happy Groundhog Day-Monday, Feb. 2

Meteorological accuracy of Punxsutawney Phil

According to Groundhog Day organizers, the rodents’ forecasts are accurate 75% to 90% of the time. However, a Canadian study for 13 cities in the past 30 to 40 years found that the weather patterns predicted on Groundhog Day were only 37% accurate over that time period. According to the StormFax Weather Almanac and records kept since 1887, Punxsutawney Phil’s weather predictions have been correct 39% of the time. The National Climatic Data Center has described the forecasts as “on average, inaccurate” and stated that “[t]he groundhog has shown no talent for predicting the arrival of spring, especially in recent years.”

from Wikipedia

Prairie Dogs are no better indicator–for those of us who live in the west.

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