The I.N.H.A. Staff Blog

Computer Changes


You have already noticed that the POS computers have been switched around. The #1  computer is now the one at the front (Ranger) counter and the computer at our normal sales station is now the #2 computer. We lost the hard drive and had to replace it in the (currently) #2 computer so we swapped the programming around to make it all work.

The big change that happened today, June 20th, is that the sign-on procedure for Quickbooks Point of Sale. Everyone, including all of the Interp Staff from the park, is now in the POS program… and the program will automatically log out the user after each sale. That means that you will have to log in every time you go to the register to ring up a sale… but it will quickly become second nature and will be very quick. Just start to type your first name, hit tab to jump to the password line and hit Enter… no password will be needed at this time. Each sale will be recorded under the person that actually rings it up and the first person in the morning won’t be logged in all day long. Everybody will need to do this every time… even all of the DINO staff.

Please help each other through this for a few days and it won’t be so traumatic in just a couple of days. I will be deleting the “Park Ranger” “PR1” user in just a couple of days so the Rangers should get used to using their own names ASAP.

Thank you! Stay positive! It’s all good!

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