The I.N.H.A. Staff Blog

A Supermoon, Blue Moon And Total Lunar Eclipse All In One Night

As the world settles into 2018, it’s been an auspicious year for skywatchers already. New years day presented the first supermoon of the month, sort of a warm up to the main event later in the month. For full coverage of yesterdays, supermoon check out Brid-Aine’s piece on Forbes. At the end of January, skywatchers will be treated to a supermoon, blue moon, and a total lunar eclipse (known as blood moon) all in one night.

This phenomenon, nicknamed the “Super Blue Blood Moon” will be icing on the cake after several months of impressive moons. However, the party won’t stop there, while February won’t showcase a full moon, March will have another blue moon on the 31st.

While there’s a lot of jargon surrounding different lunar phenomena, we’ll break down what each one means and why it’s a special occurrence to have a super blue blood moon.

Read more HERE!

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